Chemical Additive-Enabled Advancements for Perovskite Photovoltaic and Semiconductor Manufacturing
主讲人: 冯宪平,香港城市大学
地点: yl8cc永利官网中215
时间: 2024年9月20日 (星期五) 15:00-17:00
主持 联系人: 朱瑞 (Tel: 62750853)
主讲人简介: 冯宪平教授现任香港城市大学系统工程系教授,并担任工学院副经理。他在台湾清华大学取得了学士、硕士和博士学位。随后,他在美国麻省理工学院完成了博士后研究。此前,冯教授曾在台湾积体电路制造公司(TSMC)担任工程师,主任工程师,副理和技术副理,之后在健鼎科技公司任副处长。冯教授的研究专注于通过开发化学添加剂来优化材料性能和操控电化学系统,应用于热能转换、钙钛矿光伏和半导体制造等领域。他获得的奖项和荣誉包括:第五届国际发明创新大赛金奖及前十佳发明奖、化学工程师协会(IChemE)全球奖的创业奖和能源奖、香港工程师学会创新奖、日内瓦国际发明展第48届金奖、日内瓦国际发明展第49届评审金奖、国际先进材料协会(IAAM)科学家奖章及先进材料奖。此外,他被授予皇家化学学会会士(FRSC)、国际先进材料协会会士(FIAAM)、国际先进材料协会(IAAM)会士和Vebleo会士。

My research focuses on the development of new electrochemical technology for ionic thermoelectric, perovskite photovoltaic, and semiconductor manufacturing. This talk will be divided into two parts. Firstly, further improvements in perovskite solar cells require better control of ionic defects in the perovskite photoactive layer during the manufacturing stage and their usage. Therefore, various passivation strategies have been developed to improve the reliability. However, most of the traditional passivators interact with ionic defects and are then confined to certain locations after the manufacturing stage, making it difficult to passivate newly generated defects during device operation and storage. In this talk, I will discuss recent progress in developing “living passivator” that can be activated by environmental stresses and continuously release new passivators to ensure the stability of perovskite solar cells. Secondly, we developed effective additives for the fabrication of nanocrystalline copper with uniform nanograin sizes and low impurity levels, which enables fast grain growth and facilitates cross-interface Cu-to-Cu bonding at low temperatures. The combination of a low thermal budget and superior bonding quality offers a promising approach for the development of fast and low-temperature bonding processes for advanced electronic and 3DIC packaging applications.